Wednesday, April 29, 2009


WHAT!? I have no money but I really want this shirt. And it disappears FOREVER in about seventeen hours thanks to it being sold by teefury today and today only on the front page.


kind of like edgar allan poe i suppose.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Machine Gun Tiger

A quick one because, hey, i got finals this week bitches. So I chose a shirt that wouldn't require an explanation of why it totally rocks.

Fucking awesome.
If you're interested, the machine gun tiger shirt can be purchased from topatoco here.

Monday, April 6, 2009


oh snap.

for some reason i am very into today's teefury design.

it's like shirtwoot, meaning you have about sixteen more hours to purchase this bad boy. unlike shirtwoot this doesnt have the reckoning, where popular shirts stay available until they become unpopular. so yeah. sixteen hours and this shirt's gone forever. i hope you bitches subscribe to me.